How I Finally Started My Business Project

Human vs Work
2 min readMar 21, 2022

It’s natural to procrastinate here and there or have new plans that we shove away as steps are slower than excuses.

Let me share my experience with you.

How often do you let the little things get in the way?

I love doing easy things. It’s easy to just go to work for someone and trade my time for money. Yes, like many others, I had been thinking of starting a business, writing that app I really wanted to, and getting that penthouse I could only dream of.

Before starting Human vs Work, which is now on a few platforms to suit the types of content I create, I let the little things get to me and I saw them coming. I had excuses.

A person seems too tired or frustrated to continue to work

What was stopping me?

I am a teacher based in Hong Kong, which led me to think that my day job was demanding enough and I would be far better off if I would just rest after work each day.

I thought no one would be interested in what I had to say. I believed that my story would not matter and my contribution would just go unnoticed. I also thought that there were enough creators who are far more successful and thus more qualified to talk about being productive.

One day…

Until one day, I decided that I would JUST START, and posted my first YouTube channel on Desk Setup. That was exactly 31 calendar days, 1 whole month ago. Not many have watched it, but I cannot tell you how glad I am that I went from the ideation stage to the post-production editing of the video.

I am not saying that if you had the willpower to combat imposter syndrome, or the determination to start, you would be successful. I may not be objectively successful enough to tell you to start your YouTube channel or your own blog or your website after all.

What matters to me the most is knowing that I have tried, instead of just thinking “I could’ve”.

The little things still exist.

I still procrastinate here and there. I like to sketch when marking assignments. I like to get up and clean my room when working.

They don’t happen as often now because of how I set up my workspace but having acknowledged that they happen and become more intentional as the distractions kick in, I have improved a lot on choosing to fight against the little things or let them delay my tasks.

Thanks for joining me today. I write about productivity, digital minimalism and adulting.

To keep my blog free for all, please check out my website for some digital minimalistic wallpapers (with samples).



Human vs Work

Hi, I’m Michelle. I write about productivity and adulting. Site: